Newman’s Thoughts is an educational initiative from the Newman Institute for Catholic Thought & Culture to encourage the reading of our patron, St. John Henry Newman, and to bring the thoughts and ideas from his writings into the cultural conversation of today’s Church and the broader culture.
Readers can follow along at their own pace with the physical book or subscribe to our daily email to receive St. John Henry Newman in short, digestible readings directly in their inbox.
Every week, scholars and religious with a special devotion to St. John Henry Newman will share their own reflection on the wisdom contained in his writings, providing context and insight into our readings and challenging us to apply Newman’s thoughts and ideas to our own lives.
Season One
Season One of Newman’s Thoughts begins with St. John Henry Newman’s masterpiece, The Idea of a University. For those who want the physical book, we will be using the Cluny Media edition with its Introduction by Dr. Don Briel, founding advisor to the Newman Institute.
Everyone is welcome as well to subscribe to our daily email and listen to our weekly podcast commentary via the link below: